Shipping Policy

Delivery Time: 5 to 7 business days

Delivery Time: 10 to 12 business days

Shipment Details

Within 24 hours of your payment, we will update you on your shipment details. Live tracking information will be provided within 3 days, allowing you to monitor your order every step of the way.

Delivery Timeline

Your product is expected to be delivered within 5 to 7 business days from USA to USA by USPS. If any issues are identified through tracking before your delivery, we will arrange a free reshipment for you.

Free Combo Offer

Along with your order, you will receive a free combo item from India (20 pills each of Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis). This combo will take 10 to 12 business days to arrive.Along with your order, you will receive a free combo item from India (20 pills each of Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis). This combo will take 10 to 12 business days to arrive.